Our Philosophy

Over the last seventy years, we have established a reputation for honesty, high morals, integrity and friendly, professional customer service – pillars of a successful insurance agency. Based upon this foundation, the staff of Reichley Insurance Agency commits to the following mission:

  • To provide the clients with quality products and services through financially sound insurance companies committed to the American agency system.
  • To provide prompt and courteous service by handling each account as if it were our own and by treating each client the way we would want to be treated.

We further commit:

  • To enhance our professionalism by continuing our education in the insurance industry as well as supporting opportunities for personal growth.
  • To communicate with each other and work together in harmony towards the success of the agency, and each participant within the agency.

These commitments result in the highest of customer satisfaction and confidence. They are Reichley Insurance Agency’s highest priorities. Achieving them enables both collective and individual success and thus fulfill our mission.

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Unlike flood damage, water damage is typically covered by renters insurance. For instance, if your washing machine suddenly breaks resulting in water damage to your apartment and the belongings inside, your renters insurance policy will usually cover the costs. ... See MoreSee Less
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Auto Insurance comprehensive coverage reimburses losses from fire, theft or other perils; collision coverage pays to repair losses caused by an accident. ... See MoreSee Less
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