Perk Reichlety in the office talking to a client

Life & Health Insurance in Beavercreek, OH


Our life and health insurance experts know the terrain and they will find the perfect policy solution for your unique situation for business and personal coverage. Select from your life and health insurance needs below for specific contact information for each area of coverage.


  • Term Life Insurance: Plan involves lower premiums for higher coverage; coverage for only a “term” or period of your life and does not contain equity (cannot be used as cash value).
  • Whole Life Insurance: Plan is permanent and protects you for your entire life; it builds equity and carries cash value; involves higher premiums but can be more valuable in the long run.
  • Term and Whole Life Combined: This path allows you to build a lifelong base of coverage and supplement specific periods of your life with term insurance.
  • Medicare Supplement Insurance: Insurance plans for those who qualify for Medicare, including Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplements, and Part D Prescription Drug Plans.
  • Group Health Insurance: Employer-sponsored health coverage for groups of two ore more employees.
  • Short Term Health Insurance: Health coverage to fill the gap for people who missed Open Enrollment, or those in a period of transition such as changing jobs, graduating college, or waiting for other coverage to begin.
  • Life Service forms: Need to make changes to your Cincinnati Life policy (e.g., change mailing address, beneficiary, or owner information); request a loan or partial withdrawal, surrender or distribution; change payment method to EFT or update your banking information? Start here.

Perk Reichley 937-306-8007 Liz Myers 937-306-8003

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We want to help you choose the right plan!

Before selecting the coverage option below, watch this informative video.


Understanding International Health & Travel Insurance

If you travel outside of the country, this plan is a necessity. Your domestic healthcare policy does not travel with you. Make sure you are covered when you’re away from home.

  1. Travel Insurance – medical and trip cancellation
  2. Travel Medical Insurance – vacation travel health insurance
  3. International Health Insurance – missionaries, mission groups and student medical insurance

Customer Testimonial Video: River Gorge Rescue

Reichley Insurance Agency does not endorse any advertiser added to the above videos. These videos are solely to inform individuals on what type of coverage is available and best matches their needs.

For those who don’t have employer-sponsored health plans, an individual health insurance policy is a necessity. While plans are available in the Individual Health Insurance market, we partner with an insurance broker that will help you sort out the confusion of copays, coinsurance, and other considerations and create a policy that fits your life.

Mike Groh
Risk Strategies Group
Mike is a part of the Risk Strategies Group and exclusively handles individual health insurance for our agency.

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Insurance plans for those who qualify for Medicare, including Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplements, and Part D Prescription Drug Plans.

Since Medicare doesn’t pay for everything, Medicare Supplement or Advantage plans are designed to help cover out-of-pocket expenses. These plans complement your existing Medicare coverage.

Depending on the plan you choose, you may receive coverage for many out-of-pocket expenses that Part A (hospital) and Part B (doctor) don’t cover.

Casey Motschman,
Owner, Motschman’s Insurance LLC
Casey exclusively handles our Medicare Supplement Coverage placement including Prescription Drug plans and Advantage One Plans.

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Reichley Insurance has created a partnership with Andy Linneman, owner of Lifetime Benefit Group, to assist our clients with the evaluation and purchase of long-term care insurance. Andy has 35 years of experience helping clients with Group Life, Disability, and Long-Term Care plans. He has worked with Reichley Insurance for many years on a referral basis for these products. Andy will explain your options and help get the right coverage for you.

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