Five Things to Do Before You Start Your New Business

The latest news from the Small Business Administration is that only 60% of new businesses survive at least 2 years. Of that 60%, only 44% survive another two years. It is a fact that more small businesses fail then succeed. The two main reasons for failure are lack of planning and funding. While we can’t help with the funding part, we can offer some ideas about new business planning.

We found at least five things entrepreneurs should consider as part of their development process. We understand there are more, but this is a good start.

  1. Understand the risks and legal issues – It is important to any new start up to understand all the legal and regulatory statutes and laws surrounding their business. Hire a good attorney to help you; it will be worth the expense. Hire a professional insurance agent to help you understand what your risks are, how to manage the risks, and how to protect yourself from the risks.
  1. Start with a good name – Your name needs to tell the story of what your firm does. For example, if you are starting a bakery, the name “Smith Brothers” fails to tell the public what you do. Also, depending on your market, it is probably not a good idea to use a foreign language as part of your name. Keep your name simple but innovative.
  1. Develop a marketing plan
    1. Who is your target market?
    2. What is the current competition?
    3. How can you fill a need?
    4. What strategies do you need to undertake to tell your story?
    5. What are the costs of doing business?
  1. Develop a Web strategy– It doesn’t matter what business you are in, you must develop a web presence. This would include a web page, social media (Facebook & LinkedIn) and a blog. For some industries, Twitter and Pinterest are important as well.
  1. Seek out mentors and advisors– Whether your mentor provides pointers on business strategy, helps you bolster your networking efforts, or acts as a confidant, it is good to have someone on your team. Hire a competent attorney, insurance agent, accountant and payroll HR/firm

Insurance is not a product. It is a promise and a trusted relationship. Here at Reichley Insurance Agency, we are not going to sell you something you don’t need. We want to talk to you, determine your needs, and get you covered at the right price.

Good luck and call us with any questions so we can help you achieve your goals!

Insurance & Risk Best Practices

What Large Companies Do To Lower Costs That Any Company Can Do

As we continue on our journey to a better understanding of insurance, we thought it would be informative to identify some risk management “best practices” of larger companies. We believe that many of these “best practices” can, and should, be discussed with businesses of all sizes.

The good news is that these generally don’t create additional costs to the company; in fact, they usually reduce costs!

Insurance & Risk Best Practices

  1. Big Companies View Their Broker/Agent As A Trusted Advisor. The best way to accomplish this is to not bid insurance, but rather select an agent based on qualifications and the best fit with the goals of the business.
  2. Consider Modifying The Insurance Program With The Swings In The “Market”. For example, during a soft market you are able to lower deductibles and broaden coverage. As the market cycles up, you are able the increase deductibles to offset premium increases.
  3. Develop Cyber Breach Procedures. Small to medium sized businesses have a greater chance of having a cyber-breach than they do of having a fire. Here is an excellent resource from Experian
  4. Wellness Has Become A Norm. According to an article in the Louis Business Journal, “employee absenteeism is reduced when wellness programs are implemented”. In a study by Prudential Insurance, disability days were 20 percent lower and disability-per-capita costs were 32 percent lower, after implementing a wellness program. In addition, annual medical costs fell by 46 percent.
  5. Human Resources Is Part Of The Management Team.As the workforce gets older, finding ways to attract younger employees will be important. Developing new nontraditional compensation formulas and work hour flexibility will help attract and retain top performers. Develop an employee handbook and keep it updated. Educate and train all employees.
  6. Separation of Accounting Duties. A recent report issued by The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, places the cost of employee fraud at 7% of annual revenues. Companies with less than 50 employees saw a median loss of $50,000. Separate check writing and depositing responsibilities, and have an annual audit by a qualified firm.

At Reichley Insurance, our employees are committed to developing ongoing communication with our clients and striving to exceed your expectations. You are not buying a product; you are managing your risk. Remember, insurance is not a product; it’s a promise and a trusted relationship.

What a Customer Centered Renewal Looks Like


Our agency is founded and run on the philosophy that client’s needs come first and foremost. We know you hear that a lot, so we wanted to tell you how we carry out our philosophy day to day. This article is the continuation of our series on how to think differently about insurance.

Previously, we have encouraged you to think differently about the insurance buying process. In this article we wanted to give you an idea of what a customer centered insurance renewal looks like. A Customer Centered Agency considers the customer in everything it does; from product and service development to the entire customer experience.  A Customer Centered Agency also speaks to its customers in English, not insurance talk, and makes it easy for customers to do business with the agency.

Customer Centered Insurance Renewal

  • Reichley Insurance will contact you prior to renewal to review any changes in your risk and to determine your individual needs.
  • Part of the process will include explaining coverage, terms, and any questions you may have.
  • We discuss with you your budget and exposures.
  • Our team will take the time to explain to you your options and suggest a plan.
  • We will market your program with the leading insurers, and then deliver to you the best options based on our conversation.
  • Your program will be finalized and delivered to you as promised.

These are Reichley Insurance Agency’s highest priorities.  Achieving these priorities enables both collective and individual success, and thus fulfills our mission.

Why Relationships Matter

Business group meeting

This article is the continuation of our series on how to think differently about insurance. The relationship between you and your agent is the most important part of insurance and risk management process. Your agent’s ability to serve and understand you will impact everything else.

People Before Policies

Reichley Insurance is in the business to meet people’s and business’s needs. We don’t ever just sell you a product. We create and deliver personal and business solutions that address your individual needs, and sometimes that may not include any insurance if it is not in your best interest. Our belief is that by doing what is best for you… we will also benefit.


Smart and informed buyers are the best buyers. We want you to be informed insurance buyers. Our goal will be to educate you on “trending” issues that are important to your family and business.

Relationships Matter

Partnerships are built on trust over time. Our goal is to be viewed by our clients as a trusted partner. If an accident or disaster strikes, Reichley customers can contact our agency staff 24/7 and work with our trusted team. We partner with only the most respected and trusted insurance companies.

We Listen To Your Needs

Unlike some big national firms, we don’t have a set of scripted statements to give to you. We listen to what you are saying and then respond accordingly. We ask the right questions to find the individual insurance solution for you.

We Have a Team of Experienced Professionals

We know and understand your industry.  Before we do anything, we take time to get to know you.  Our staff has a deep understanding of how insurance works and we continually seek training and education. Our team has over 150 combined years of experience.

These commitments result in the highest of customer satisfaction and confidence. They are Reichley Insurance Agency’s highest priorities.

A New Way to Think About Insurance



Congratulations! You got past the title and are now embarking on a new way to look at the insurance buying process. Over the next few months we would like to offer you an alternative way to think about insurance that will change your purchasing experience.

We will start with a few basic truths that we believe in. We will share these truths in greater detail over the next few articles.

  • Insurance is a service not a commodity.
  • You can never get the right insurance for you needs online in 7 minutes.
  • There is more to insurance than a policy.
  • Insurance was designed to be a relationship between the customer, agents and insurer.
  • Your insurance agent should be as valuable as your CPA, attorney and financial advisor.
  • If all you get from your agent/company is a policy, then they are overpaid.
  • Insurance ads are confusing because they make you believe that all insurance is the same, and we all know that not to the case.
  • To get proper coverage, a knowledgeable agent and great service, buyers need not pay any more.

The very core of what we value is that providing reasonable solutions to people and businesses should come before everything else, even if what we recommend means not selling you insurance. That is what we will do.

We want to inform you about the value and importance of developing a relationship with your agent. The qualification of the agent can make a difference in your insurance coverage.   The national companies spend millions of dollars in advertising while offering only a minimal amount of coverage. The main purpose of insurance is to have your claims covered. In order for your claims to be covered you need an individualized policy that addresses your risk and needs. Only then, will you have the right coverage.

We hope you will join us on this journey, and in the end decide that there is a better way to buy insurance and have true peace of mind.