What Is Insurance?

stressMany people think insurance is a product like a car, home, or boat. It is easy to think of insurance as a product, but it is not. You can use and touch a boat or car every day. You spend money; then you get to use it, see it feel it. It’s not so with insurance. You can hold the policy and look at a bunch of words on the policy explaining coverages, risks, and exposures. Yet it just isn’t the same as a test drive. When you select an insurance program, you may never see it or use it until you have a claim. Then you will fully understand what we are saying.

Good insurance will give you a peace of mind that will allow you to live your life with confidence.  You have the confidence that your agent and insurer will be there for you in your time of need.

Insurance is designed to protect you from unknown and unexpected accidents and losses. That is why it is so important to understand what you are buying before you do. If you are not sure what kind of insurance you have, do you really have peace of mind?

Insurance becomes tangible only when you have a claim; then, it becomes very real. At this time, you hope the policy delivers as promised.

Here is why we educate rather than sell.

  • Educated buyers make better decisions.
  • Insurance policies are not all created equal. Insurance is not like a commodity; insurance companies offer many different kinds of policies; these offer coverage you may need or may not need. Why pay for insurance you don’t need? Or worse, you paid for coverage you thought you had but didn’t.
  • Many insurance policies are filled with coverage gaps. These are areas where you need certain coverage, but the policy may not provide it. A coverage gap may also be having policy limits or deductibles not designed for your needs. An agent acting as your advisor can help you identify these gaps and offer solutions.

Give me a call and let talk about how we are different and can help you understand your insurance purchase with clarity. I want to earn your trust.


Ask Perk Reichley

perkOver the years, I have been asked about many different kinds of insurance questions. I thought it might be interesting to start sharing these questions and my responses. Remember, there is no bad or wrong question. If you have a question, send it to me, I will be happy to answer it for you.

Are there unique kinds of insurance I might need?

It is our hope and desire that you never need to make a claim, but if you do, you want the best possible combination of coverage, price, and service. Here are some added coverages you might want to consider.

  • Flood
  • Earthquake
  • Higher limits on jewelry
  • Identity theft
  • Coverage for collections, art, guns, and coins
  • Personal umbrella liability
  • Coverage for back-up of sewers caused outside the home

How often should I review my personal insurance program?

We recommend an annual review of all your personal insurance needs. This might be a call or face-to-face meeting, depending on your needs.

If you have made some life changes, we always recommend a review at that time. Some life changes that will affect your personal insurance include:

  • Change in marital status
  • Birth of a child
  • Purchase of a new car or any other major purchase
  • Planning international travel
  • Children heading off to college
  • Working form home
  • Retirement
  • Job change

Should I ever consider increasing my deductibles?

Changing your deductibles on your auto or home insurance depends on your risk appetite. It is true that increasing deductibles will save you money, but there are other factors that you might also consider.

  • How much increase is desired?
  • Do you have a history of losses?
  • Do you have the financial resources to handle it?
  • Is the cost-benefit worth the risk?

House prices have been skyrocketing in my neighborhood lately. Should I increase my limits?

A hot real estate market doesn’t actually impact your home rebuild cost or replacement cost. That number is based on the raw materials and labor it would take to rebuild it with like kind and quality.


What Keeps You Up AT Night?

Every one of us has certain things that keep you up once in a while. It might be your job, the kids, illness, or other life’s problems. Our goal to make sure that protecting your family with the right insurance does not keep you up.

Here is how we help you sleep at night

  1. We never sell you a policy. We ask questions and educate you so that the coverage you but the right fit for you.
  2. Insurance is a complex transaction, so we work hard to make sure you understand how insurance works before you make a decision.
  3. Our team is licensed and have years of experience that help us better educate you.
  4. We are here to answer any questions you may have regarding your insurance decisions.

According to an Insurance Journal article, here are the top issues that keep people up.

  • Flood and other natural disasters
  • Identity theft
  • End of life issues
  • Eldercare

We can provide valuable information regarding each of these so that you can make the right decision for you and your family. We hope you noticed that we don’t just offer a quick insurance product. That is because we will only offer you an insurance solution after we fully understand your needs.

Connect with us and let us show you how we do it

Over the last sixty years, we have established a reputation for honesty, high morals, integrity and friendly, professional customer service – pillars of a successful insurance agency. Based upon this foundation, the staff of Reichley Insurance Agency commits to the following mission.

What Does Your Agent Talk To You About?

When you meet or talk to your agent, what are the topics of conversation? Are you talking just about your bill, or how you got an endorsement and didn’t understand it? Do you get way too much communication on how to reduce your premium by buying less coverage? Many companies will tell you, and you don’t need to talk to your agent.

We are here to provide a different approach. We recommend talking to your agent at least once a year and even more if needed. Communication is the key to all good relationships. We will reach out to you and talk to you about the following.

  1. How is your claim being processed? Can we help you?
  2. Did you get your policy, and do you have any questions?
  3. Have you made any major purchases; a new car, boat, or other high-end items?
  4. I know you have a wine collection, did you but any new bottles that need to be insured?
  5. Your son Travis is heading off to college; we might want to review your coverage.
  6. How is your new job going? Do they offer life insurance, or would you like to look at some options?
  7. Have you thought more about identity theft coverage? Or do you have any questions?
  8. We have found many people are driving for a ride-sharing company, is there anyone in your house doing this?

These are just some examples of what our conversations might look like. Of course, we also start with a good day it is great to connect, and end with thank you for your business, we value our relationship and love serving you.


Your Policy Is Only As Good As Your Agent

agentTo say that your insurance policy is only as good as your agent is a bold statement. You have also heard me say, that not all policies are created equal. Just what do I mean by this? The idea is that your agent is the most important part of your insurance program. Here are three reasons why this is true:

  1. Insurance companies only offer a policy, they do not design coverage. On the other hand, independent agents can design coverage that is best for your specific needs.
  2. Independent agents work for the client, not the insurer.
  3. Experienced agents can help you identify and manage your risk, rather than sell you a policy.

The best way to ensure you are getting the best advice and value is to have a trusted relationship with an experienced agent. Like any relationship, communication is the key. A good agent will listen to the customer and offer risk and insurance solutions. There are times when insurance is not the best solution. Again, here are examples:

  1. Contractual Risk Transfer – There are many ways to transfer your risk through a contract or agreement. An example might be for products liability. If you are distributing a product manufactured by another party you can transfer the product liability to them, rather than take that risk on.
  2. Self-Insure – There are times when the risk may be such that you are better off self-insuring rather than spending a lot on an insurance policy with a super high deductible. Sometimes, you can mitigate risk by putting risk control techniques in place to reduce or eliminate the risk all together.

Only an agent who is interested in your best interests would offer you options that included no insurance. Rather than using any agent to get you an insurance quote, select a qualified independent agent who will collaborate with you and design a risk management program that meets your needs.


We Can Help You Build A Bridge

An Insurance Update

Most people have some gaps in their personal insurance coverage. We do our best to help our clients understand where these are and provide solutions so that these gaps don’t exist. Having an independent agent help, you find the right kind of personal insurance for you can go a long way in providing you with peace of mind.

Personal insurance is complex, and we are here to help you understand the complex, so you have made an informed and educated decision.

What are Insurance gaps?

Insurance gaps can be areas where you thought there was coverage, but in reality, there is not. It may be that the coverage is not available or is too expensive or you just did not know about it. Gaps can occur if you have more than one agent handling your personal insurance. Between your home, auto, RV or personal umbrella there might be times when one agent thought the other was taking care of the issue. Insurance gaps can include:

  • Flood insurance
  • Identity theft
  • Earthquake
  • Sewer back-up
  • Auto insurance limit issues
  • Your home is undervalued
  • Lack of a personal umbrella
  • Limited coverage for other drivers on your auto policy.

These are just a few of the personal insurance issues that can create real problems for you. Call our office for a free review.

While the massive national agencies spend millions on television ads and offer barebones policies, they do not know you. When your needs change or your situation complicates, you don’t want an automated phone tree or cold cyber-agent. You want to talk to compassionate, honest insurance experts – that’s our team. You shouldn’t have to spend hours researching and comparing policies. Let the specialists at Reichley guide you through the complex insurance industry.

Call today to alleviate the worry and get covered – (937) 429-0655.

The New Normal for Insurance Buyers

Beyond Insurance… Risk Strategies

Businessman surrounded by sharks in stormy sea. Competitive business concept. Paper waves clouds boat and

Someone once said, “The only thing you can count on is change.”  When it comes to insurance buying, that is unmistakably true.  Today, people have more ways than ever to secure insurance coverage.  However, are they getting the coverage they need?  Another true statement is, “The more you have, the more significant risks you have.”

The combination of change and risk leads us to the understanding that people should be seeking an insurance partner who understands their changing needs in a risky world, rather than being able to secure a low-cost insurance program.  People who have a higher net worth should be primarily focused on protecting assets.

If a lawsuit threatens the lifestyle you have created, you want a partner to stand beside you.  You need personal liability insurance options to safeguard your family and assets in the event of personal claims against you at limits that exceed the liability protections provided by standard policies.

Many individuals have unique risks which can include:

  • A second home
  • Farm or rental income
  • In-home business
  • High valued homes
  • Watercraft
  • Foreign travel
  • Domestic employees
  • Identity theft

You need an insurance partner who can help develop a risk and insurance plan that will manage your risk at a competitive cost.   It’s not business as usual any longer.

When Searching for an Insurance Partner, Ask These Questions:

  • Does your agent educate you about your risk before trying to sell you a product?
  • Is their staff experienced and qualified to manage your needs?
  • Is your agent more interested in a relationship as a trusted partner rather than as another insurance client?
  • Is your agent committed to work for you rather than for the insurance company?
  • Does your agent design a program based on your individual needs and then give you options?
  • Does your agent advocate for you through customized analysis of your risk and needs?
  • Is your agent committed to leading the claims process to a satisfactory outcome?
  • Does your agent have access to sophisticated personal insurance carriers that offer specialty products and personal risk solutions?

Protecting your lifestyle goes way beyond insuring your car or home.  Proper insurance has to do with understanding the risks associated with your life and creating a plan to safeguard you and your family’s future. Our society’s way of managing COVID-19 has forever changed the way we work, play, travel, gather information and gather supplies for our daily lives.  Many of these changes are just new ways of doing things, however many can create new risks that your current policies do not address completely.  Do any of these sound like your new normal?

  1. More time buying products and services online from home.
  2. Increase use of home networks for business use.
  3. Using business owned office equipment at home for your work.
  4. Work meetings at personal residences or on-line.
  5. Connecting to open networks for work purposes at restaurants or other places.
  6. Use of personal vehicles to and from client’s offices.
  7. Use of personal vehicles for delivery jobs.
  8. The storage and use of paper documents for work at your home residence.

All these issues and others create a need for a conversation with your agent.  Policies are changing to accommodate some needs on a temporary basis while other do not.  The best risk management program is a combination of a strong relationship with a well-educated agency that can place and maintain your coverage with excellent insurers at a competitive price.  It’s not just getting a few of the above items, it’s about achieving the right balance to get all parts working for you and your family.

“Insurance is not a product, it’s a promise and a trusted relationship”, Perk Reichley.

Why We Stopped Selling Insurance and Started Educating our Clients

Many years ago, our agency changed the way we operate. We saw that insurance could be viewed as a commodity like a car or home. But we know otherwise. There were two reasons for our change.

  1. If people saw insurance as a commodity, then the lowest price wins. And with insurance, low price usually means one size fits all coverage and low or no education or service that values the customer over the insurance carrier’s efficient transaction model.
  2. When we can educate and explain why you need or don’t need certain insurance coverage, the process becomes less about cost and more about purchasing the right coverage at the right prices, hence creating value.

Here is what we like to do before we even say the word insurance. We ask questions to understand your needs better. We share our knowledge about your risks, and we help identify the individual risks you face and start the process of putting together a plan to protect you with a combination of insurance, risk transfer and avoidance techniques.

Our clients routinely tell us that “this is the first time someone took the time to explain this to them”.  They feel empowered to control and have ownership of their insurance program.

Building a business populated by satisfied, repeat customers is our goal.  This benefits both parties and offers us the opportunity to invest our knowledge and expertise while sharing the relationships we have with community vendors and insurance carriers to benefit our customers.  This feels more successful that hitting a sales goal each year.

Insurance is not a product. It is a promise and a trusted relationship. Here at Reichley Insurance Agency, we are not going to sell you something you don’t need. We want to talk to you, determine your needs, and get you covered at the right price.

While the massive national agencies spend millions on television ads and offer barebones policies, they do not know you. When your needs change or your situation complicates, you don’t want an automated phone tree or cold cyber-agent. You want to talk to compassionate, honest insurance experts – that’s our team. You shouldn’t have to spend hours researching and comparing policies. Let the specialists at Reichley guide you through the complex insurance industry.

Call today to alleviate the worry and get covered – (937) 429-0655.

Tips for Working at Home

Does COVID-19 Have You Working From Home?

Due to the stay at home mandate, there are many people who are working remotely these days.  It appears this mandate will last at least another month.  Many people have thought that working remotely would be great, but working remotely is a double-edge sword.  Sure, you get to stay home, but studies show that it can be harder to focus on work.

Remote Workers Need to Be Aware of These Challenges:

  • Lack of a work routine
  • Tendency to over-work
  • Lack of human interaction
  • Prioritizing a work project
  • Interruptions from family, pets, phone calls, and the doorbell

How to Make Working Remotely Work for You

  • Confine your workspace to a specific area in your home.
  • Set up your workspace like your office.
  • Set a schedule and create a routine.
  • When in doubt, go with over-communication; update your boss frequently on everything you are doing, and whether your schedule and deliverables are changing in any way.
  • After work, stay off electronic devices for some time to transition to “home time.”
  • Take regular breaks.
  • Get dressed every day. Taking the time to get dressed and perform your usual self-care routine can prove a big psychological booster.

We are here to help you with any insurance related need you may have. Please be safe and stay healthy.

Your Personal Insurance and COVID-19

As our country continues to manage through the COVID-19 crises, we thought it might be useful to take some time to remind you of the importance of your personal insurance during this time.  The coronavirus pandemic should not affect your auto or homeowner’s insurance too much, but there are a few coverages that could be impacted because of the temporary lifestyle change.

  • Do not cancel your auto insurance just because you are temporarily not driving.  Auto insurance is required by law.
  • Some auto insurers are considering offering discounts for a short period of time, due to the fact that there are fewer cars on the road. As of today, we do not know what this may look like, but when we do know we will advise our clients, and follow on our social media sites and web page as we will be posting update there.
  • Vehicles with loans need to maintain physical damage coverage on the vehicle.   We would love to talk with our policyholders to find creative ways to help with cost reduction.
  • Check out our COVID-19 resource page HERE
  • The Ohio Department of Insurance has issued a directive for all carriers that are billing for Property & Casualty, Life and Long Term Care that require a 60-day grace period for payments, however if not paid within the extended period – the cancellation will take effect back to the effective date of the coverage, leaving a gap in coverage. This is not a waiver of premium payments.  Those affected should contact the billing departments of either the insurance company or the agency, whoever is sending the invoices.
  • If you are working remotely via computer, there should be no issues with your homeowners or renter’s insurance.  However, this is true as long as there are no customers coming to your home.  If you are running a business from your home, you will need business insurance.  We are happy to help you with this.
  • If you have a claim, we are open, as are the insurers.  Give us a call, and we will be ready to help you. Your policy has toll-free claim numbers to help you get the process going.
  • Some health insurance providers are offering resources that include mental health issues. See attached from Anthem Health. http://www.anthem.com/coronavirus

Other Heath insurers are likely following suit with these added benefits that can be accessed online directly from home.

  • Some insurance companies are offering relaxed payment terms.  We suggest you contact them directly if you feel you may miss a payment. Of course, you can always contact our office to assist you.
  • Be aware of credit card and cyber scams. Unfortunately, criminals have ramped up their efforts during this crisis.  The fraud ranges from false claims of cures and treatments for the coronavirus to fake charities attempting to soliciting money to help those suffering.
  • As we all have so much time at home, now is a good time to complete a home inventory of your personal property.  Creating and updating an inventory of your personal possessions is one of the best ways to make the most of your homeowners or renters insurance, and it makes filing a claim easier and more efficient.  If your home is damaged or totally lost due to a fire or other event, having a home inventory will help you recover all your personal property with the least amount of time and stress.
  • Life insurance should not be affected because of COVID-19.  If you already have life insurance, you are covered, and a company cannot make changes to a policy that is already active.  If you do not currently have coverage, however, your application may be affected.  Keep in mind that each life insurance company is handling the pandemic differently.  It is important to have us shop your life insurance to make sure the company you choose meets your needs.

Our goal is to be here for you and to help answer any questions you have regarding your insurance. Please feel free to connect with us at any time.

This information seems to be changing and we will keep you advised as this relates to our customers