Why You Need An Insurance Agent?

If you’re too young to remember a world without the Internet, you’ve probably asked yourself this question at some point. Similarly, you may have questioned the necessity of a travel agent, a piano instructor, or a bookstore. Everything they offer is available online. But do you really need an insurance agent?

Dealing with an agent who takes the time to get to know their clients and explain choices gives the buyer a sense of confidence and the peace of mind that things will be taken care of if something happens. It can be challenging to understand the implications of an insurance purchase.

Although most clients won’t suffer a claim event, everyone should feel more at ease knowing that they have a well-thought-out plan and coverage program that would respond if one were to happen. They need to have access to persons who they can consult with for advice as necessary in that strategy.

Agents do more than collect price quotes. Yes, we understand that cost is likely your concern. Who, after all, has extra funds for something they hope they will never use? But insurance agents have the training and experience to help you comprehend all the different things that could go wrong and why the cheapest option may not be the best.

An independent insurance agency represents you, the client, in locating the best coverage at the most affordable price. This may include your home, automobile, apartment, condominium, and business coverage. Insurance policies are not products that can be purchased from a store’s shelves, so “shopping” is not the most inclusive term.

Independent insurance agencies have access to various insurance carriers. Truly diversified agencies, such as ours, have relationships with multiple carriers. In addition, some of these insurers will only work with insurance purchasers through an agency. Therefore, if you shop for insurance on your own (which we do not recommend), you will miss out on some of the best options available today.

There is still a human desire for social interaction, and the value you provide cannot be replicated in the digital world.

Give us a call today and let us know how we can serve you.

12 Insurance Tips Of Christmas Present

We are full into the holiday season, and while you’re caught up with holiday cheer, here are our 12 gits of Christmas present. Remember, as your life changes, so should your insurance. A quick call to our office can help us educate you on the insurance coverage you need to protect your home, car, family, and life.

12 Insurance Tips for Christmas Present

  1. Your tree needs water every day. It is essential to water your tree daily, or else the branches will dry out quickly. A single spark from a nearby candle or fireplace could cause catastrophe.
  1. Check your insurance. If you have purchased an expensive item, you may need to adjust your homeowner’s coverage.
  1. Update your auto insurance. Whether you’re heading to the mall for holiday shopping or traveling to see family, make sure your insurance is current! Due to storms and ice, automobile accidents tend to increase as the temperature drops. Plan additional travel time and eliminate distractions to ensure safe holiday travel.
  1. Use caution when online shopping. Consider asking your insurance agent about adding identity theft protection to your homeowner’s insurance for added protection when shopping online. Typically, this can be added to your homeowner’s or renters’ insurance for a nominal fee, but there are also standalone plans.
  1. Holiday Lights. When installing outdoor lighting, use outdoor-rated lights and extension cords, ensure they are plugged into GFCI outlets, and avoid overloading cords, as they can become hot enough to burn.
  1. Stop porch pirates. Delivery confirmation is a good way to prove the package was delivered. Thieves will follow delivery trucks, waiting for the perfect target. These thieves commonly strike during working hours as many homes are empty at that time. You can insure your packages. Consider having a person there when the delivery is scheduled. Install a security camera.
  1. Never drink and drive. Did you know that in some states, party hosts can be held liable for injuries caused by intoxicated guests?
  1. Use caution with candles. Never leave candles burning at night. Place candles in open areas, away from walls and items that might catch on fire.
  1. Set your alarm. During the holiday season, you will likely run many errands. Develop the routine of always activating your home security system. Thieves can break into your home in a matter of minutes, so you should always leave it protected.
  1. Theft From Vehicles. While you are in the store, criminals are in the parking lot looking for easy ways to get into your vehicle. Keep all packages in the trunk; always lock your car, and park close to the store and in a well-lit area.
  1. Stovetop safety. Never leave cooking food unattended. The most common cause of cooking fires is leaving the stove (or fryer) unattended.
  1. Ladder Safety. When putting up holiday decorations, always use the proper step stool or ladder to reach high places. Don’t stand on chairs, desks, or other furniture.






Is Insurance Your Only Option?

We will be the first to say that certain types of personal insurance may not always be best for your needs. We believe each client is unique and therefore requires unique insurance solutions. But there is more to the process.

First, you and your agent need to talk about what your risks and goals are regarding the issues. Your agent should be able to help you identify all the risks and, only then, provide solutions.

Here is a good example

We recently had a client buy an older used car for one of their kids. After we reviewed the ACV value for the client, we recommended that he not purchase collision coverage. We told him to use the savings to put into an auto replacement fund. This will save the client hundreds of dollars over time.

Here are other kinds of insurance you may not need

  1. Universal life – Typically, term life insurance is going to be a better fit for you. Term life costs less, and you can take the premium difference and invest it yourself.
  2. Extended warranty plans – These are never a good idea. The warranty premiums are mostly commissions paid to the salesperson. Some credit card companies offer this protection if you make the purchase with their cards.
  3. Pet Insurance – Pet insurance usually is very limited in coverage and very costly.
  4. Insurance on outstanding credit card balances – This type of insurance can be costly, and there are a lot of loopholes to go through before any benefits are paid.
  5. Mini Storage Insurance – As long as you have homeowners or renters insurance, you don’t need to buy special insurance. Most policies have automatic coverage for property away from your primary premises. Call us for details and limitations.
  6. Rental car collision insurance – If you already have collision insurance from your personal auto insurance, you don’t need to buy additional insurance from the rental company.  However, opting for additional coverage could be worth the price if you don’t have collision insurance. But if you’re charging the rental to your credit card, it’s also possible to get coverage through them.
  7. Mortgage life insurance – This protects the bank, not you. If you were to die, the payout goes to the bank, not your family. You are better off buying term life insurance.
  8. Flight Insurance – This is completely unnecessary, as airline accidents are rare, and your life insurance policy should already provide coverage in the event of a catastrophe.
  9. While the massive national agencies spend millions on television ads and offer barebones policies, they do not know you. When your needs change or your situation complicates, you don’t want an automated phone tree or cold cyber-agent. You want to talk to compassionate, honest insurance experts close to home, right here in Beavercreek, OH – that’s our team. You shouldn’t have to spend hours researching and comparing policies. Let the specialists at Reichley guide you through the complex insurance industry.Call today to alleviate the worry and get covered – (937) 429-0655.



The Traits of A Good Insurance Agent

  1. Honesty

Selling insurance is about giving customers, businesses, and individuals solutions to their risk issues. Misrepresenting the facts, or trying to sell a policy, does more harm than good to their customers. A good agent will not try to sell anything; they will listen and become a problem solver first. Then and only then might insurance solutions or options be provided.

  1. Responsive Client Service

When clients phones or emails, a timely answer is essential because they need the information to make decisions. When a client spends their money, they have a right to feel secure and content during the course of the business relationship. Through actively listening to and empathizing with our valued clients, agents can find success

  1. Industry Knowledge

Selling a policy is only one aspect of what it means to be an insurance agent. Agents must be able to provide a thorough understanding of all facets of the products and services they sell, as well as how each client’s situation may be addressed. The agent should be trained in all aspects of the risk management process.

  1. Community Involvement

Being a respectable member of the community is a must for running a successful insurance agency. We believe in fostering relationships and giving our neighbors access to resources because we are local leaders. To make the neighborhood a better and safer place to live, we collaborate with customers and businesses.



While the massive national agencies spend millions on television ads and offer barebones policies, they do not know you. When your needs change or your situation complicates, you don’t want an automated phone tree or cold cyber-agent. You want to talk to compassionate, honest insurance experts, close to home, right here in Beavercreek, OH – that’s our team. You shouldn’t have to spend hours researching and comparing policies. Let the specialists at Reichley guide you through the complex insurance industry.

Call today to alleviate the worry and get covered – (937) 429-0655.

partners in risk

The Value of Giving Back In Business

The truth of being a business owner is that juggling day-to-day operations with long-term objectives consumes the majority of your time and energy. It’s easy to let giving back fall by the wayside if you don’t have a solid plan in place to truly incorporate it into your business strategy. Do you recall your first experience sharing as a child? Most parents educate their children that they must share their toys if they want others to play with them. This is a crucial lesson that we often overlook as adults, and it applies to a wide range of situations.

There are so many ways to incorporate this idea into your business. It does not have to be giving a lot of money. Often giving of your experience or expertise can add significant value to others.

Here are a few ideas

  • Find ways to offer your services pro bono. Maybe as an agent, you can offer to review a local business’s insurance without any obligation on the business’s part.
  • Be willing to speak at the local Chamber or other nonprofit.
  • Engage your team. Creating a giving culture at work has its advantages regarding employee engagement. It also gives employees a greater sense of ownership in the organization they work for.
  • Join a nonprofit board. Nonprofits are continuously looking for successful executives to join their boards of directors. A position like this allows you to control the organization’s course while also allowing you to leverage your network to collect funding for it.

The potential to make a difference is the most basic benefit of donating or setting aside money for community welfare. There’s nothing like seeing your neighborhood or community improve to make it a better place to live. Communities that can improve their lives will be able to make a good contribution to the economy as a whole.


partners in risk

Proven Ways To Build Strong Insurance Relationships

The partnership between an insurance agent, an insurer, and a client is one of the most important in the industry. Carriers and the underwriters create policies and take on risks for insureds, whereas brokers assist their clients in finding the best insurance policies and carriers for their needs.

The independent agent and broker are the industry’s backbone. They are the primary channel of distribution for commercial property and casualty insurance.

How To Build And Maintain Strong Relationships

Don’t base your relationship on technology

Technology is good and effective tool for both the agent and their clients. But don’t make technology so important that any personal communication is lost.

Follow Through

Agents should build strong relationships with their clients by following through on their commitments and being communicative in the event that something changes, in addition to offering services and advice that help insureds avoid losses. If you say you’re going to do something, you must do it. If you can’t do it, you say, ‘I’m not going to be able to meet the commitment,’ and then you set a new expectation.

Focus on more than just pricing

When it comes to building a strong relationship with insurance agents, one thing that stands out above all else is the need to add value that goes beyond offering competitive insurance prices. When comparing options today, insureds should look for an agent who will not only provide the coverages they require but will also serve as a risk management partner.

Be Consistent

Consistency is essential in all aspects of communication and service. It establishes a pattern that customers can expect, which helps to highlight your value proposition and enhance the customer experience. Simply personalize interactions by framing conversations and messaging in less “scripted” ways. According to one survey, most marketers fail to personalize communication beyond digital channels. Get more customer-specific the next time you pick up the phone. It should contribute to the relationship’s strengthening.

The customer, regardless of the insurance company, ultimately looks to you, the agent, for advice, service, and responsiveness. Regardless of the shifting strategies and focuses in today’s insurance markets, remember to prioritize your customer relationships first, and you’ll find yourself building a book of business that will last for a long time.


partners in risk

Improve Your Customer Service Experience


Customers are the lifeblood of any business and should always take precedence. Customer experience enhancements result in a more loyal customer base. Loyal customers purchase more frequently, spend more, and recommend you to their friends and family. They leave positive reviews for customers. So how are you and your team going to accomplish this? The objective is not simply to have happy clients but also to have educated partners.

The customer experience can be defined by the interactions and experiences your customer has with your agency throughout the entire customer journey, from first contact to becoming a happy and loyal customer.

Several of the most frequent causes of negative customer experiences include the following:

  • Procurement procedures that are difficult
  • Negative customer service experiences
  • Compromise the personal security of a customer
  • Waiting an excessive amount of time on hold
  • Ignoring feedback from customers

Here are a few actions you can take to improve your customer service experience.

  1. Know your customers. The first step in customer service is to understand your customers’ needs, experiences, and expectations.
  2. Treat customers as you would want to be treated.
  3. Maintain personal, old-fashioned contact with clients. In an age of automation, being a little retro can have significant benefits for your business.
  4. Teach about risk and insurance, don’t just sell a policy.
  5. When a customer signs up for your free trial or purchases your product, do you reach out with a personalized email or send a thank you note.
  6. As we all know; successful businesses are those that maintain a high level of customer satisfaction. One of the most critical components of developing strong customer relationships is involving them in community or social events. When you include customers on your team and give them credit for your success, they feel valued and honored. It is a significant event for them.

While the massive national agencies spend millions on television ads and offer barebones policies, they do not know you. When your needs change or your situation complicates, you don’t want an automated phone tree or cold cyber-agent. You want to talk to compassionate, honest insurance experts – that’s our team. You shouldn’t have to spend hours researching and comparing policies. Let the specialists at Reichley guide you through the complex insurance industry.

Call today to alleviate the worry and get covered – (937) 429-0655.

partners in risk

How Insurance Agents Can Deliver Wow Customer Service

To ensure that your customers feel valued and appreciated, you need to provide wow customer service. Excellent customer service entails a number of traits. Today’s business climate is highly competitive. In terms of features, products agencies generally compete head-to-head. When things are too identical, the customer service and the agent’s ability to create a real relationship make the difference.

Here is what agent should do to build strong relationships

Place your clients’ needs above selling a policy.

Insurance is not a product. It is a promise and a trusted relationship. Here at Reichley Insurance Agency, we are not going to sell you something you don’t need. We want to talk to you, determine your needs, and get you covered at the right price.

Educate don’t sell.

Your goal is to educate you so you can make informed decisions. The more they know, the better decisions they will make. It gives you better value out of your insurance.

Know your product or service.

You must know what you’re offering inside and out to deliver excellent customer service. Make sure you and your front-line employees understand how your products or services work. Be aware of the most often asked queries by consumers and know how to respond in a way that will satisfy them. Understand that there are not one size fits all insurance products.

Listen to your clients.

One of the most basic techniques of customer service is to listen. It entails listening to both what your consumers say and what they are communicating nonverbally. Keep an eye out for signals of dissatisfaction and pay attention to what they say directly to you.

Ask for feedback and receive it.

To make the feedback you receive from clients helpful in your customer care process, you must do something with it. Take the time to examine feedback regularly, find areas for development, and implement specific changes in your company.

partners in risk

Agents And Insurance Buyers Can Always Learn Something New

It seems that the insurance buying process often sets up the perfect storm of comparing coverage, pricing, and service, but it ends up with low-cost winning in the short term and then losing when a claim occurs. How can we help change our understanding of this process so that everyone gets a win? Here are some thoughts.

Agents Should

Be prepared, educate yourself on insurance and risk management. Coming to consultations well-versed in the needs of the other person also assures them that you as the agent will go the extra mile on their behalf.

Listen, ultimately, you’re here to help your customers. If they believe your plan takes precedence over theirs, your business relationship will not last long. You can only meet someone else’s needs if you listen to what those needs are, so always be ready to listen as well as speak.

Try to sell rather than teach, here is what we like to do before we even say the word insurance. We ask questions to understand your needs better. We share our knowledge about your risks, and we help identify the individual risks you face and start the process of putting together a plan to protect you with a combination of insurance, risk transfer, and avoidance techniques.

Our clients routinely tell us that “this is the first time someone took the time to explain this to them. They feel empowered to control and have ownership of their insurance program.

Insurance Buyers Should

Shopping for insurance based solely on price. Comparing insurance policies can be perplexing, but resist the temptation to simply select the policy with the lowest premium. Consider the agent’s qualification, experience, and the company’s reputation, as well as the coverage you’d receive for the premium.

Understand what you are buying, make sure you understand what your insurance policy covers and does not cover.

Not updating your coverage, how long has your family or company had the same insurance policy or policies? You could be making a costly mistake if you simply renew your policy year after year. Consider how much your family or business has changed in the last year.

While the massive national agencies spend millions on television ads and offer barebones policies, they do not know you. When your needs change or your situation complicates, you don’t want an automated phone tree or cold cyber-agent. You want to talk to compassionate, honest insurance experts – that’s our team. You shouldn’t have to spend hours researching and comparing policies. Let the specialists at Reichley guide you through the complex insurance industry.

Call today to alleviate the worry and get covered – (937) 429-0655.

partners in risk

Proven Ways To Build Strong Insurance Relationships

The partnership between an insurance agent, an insurer, and a client is one of the most important in the industry. Carriers and the underwriters create policies and take on risks for insureds, whereas brokers assist their clients in finding the best insurance policies and carriers for their needs.

The independent agent and broker are the industry’s backbone. They are the primary channel of distribution for commercial property and casualty insurance.

How To Build And Maintain Strong Relationships

Don’t base your relationship on technology

Technology is good and effective tool for both the agent and their clients. But don’t make technology so important that any personal communication is lost.

Follow Through

Agents should build strong relationships with their clients by following through on their commitments and being communicative in the event that something changes, in addition to offering services and advice that help insureds avoid losses. If you say you’re going to do something, you must do it. If you can’t do it, you say, ‘I’m not going to be able to meet the commitment,’ and then you set a new expectation.

Focus on more than just pricing

When it comes to building a strong relationship with insurance agents, one thing that stands out above all else is the need to add value that goes beyond offering competitive insurance prices. When comparing options today, insureds should look for an agent who will not only provide the coverages they require but will also serve as a risk management partner.

Be Consistent

Consistency is essential in all aspects of communication and service. It establishes a pattern that customers can expect, which helps to highlight your value proposition and enhance the customer experience. Simply personalize interactions by framing conversations and messaging in less “scripted” ways. According to one survey, most marketers fail to personalize communication beyond digital channels. Get more customer-specific the next time you pick up the phone. It should contribute to the relationship’s strengthening.

The customer, regardless of the insurance company, ultimately looks to you, the agent, for advice, service, and responsiveness. Regardless of the shifting strategies and focuses in today’s insurance markets, remember to prioritize your customer relationships first, and you’ll find yourself building a book of business that will last for a long time.

While the massive national agencies spend millions on television ads and offer barebones policies, they do not know you. When your needs change or your situation complicates, you don’t want an automated phone tree or cold cyber-agent. You want to talk to compassionate, honest insurance experts – that’s our team. You shouldn’t have to spend hours researching and comparing policies. Let the specialists at Reichley guide you through the complex insurance industry.

Call today to alleviate the worry and get covered – (937) 429-0655