Entries by Perk Reichley

The Traits of A Good Insurance Agent

Honesty Selling insurance is about giving customers, businesses, and individuals solutions to their risk issues. Misrepresenting the facts, or trying to sell a policy, does more harm than good to their customers. A good agent will not try to sell anything; they will listen and become a problem solver first. Then and only then might […]

2022-23 Presents New Cyber Risks For Your Business

  The CIOVID-19 pandemic has affected businesses in a significant way. With remote workers and increased online purchasing, scammers are using some new and some old tricks to get your personal information. Common Cyber Breaches Ransomware. Ransomware is a data-encrypting program that demands payment to release the infected data. Social Media. These kinds of attacks follow […]

Why Low Price and High Value Can Be a Contraction in Terms

Shoppers are always looking for that next big sale or deal. When it comes to purchasing a 46” HDTV, it is easy to identify all the features you want, and then shop for the best price.  In fact, many retailers might even negotiate with you to get your business. When selecting your insurance, you cannot […]

Our Mid-Year Insurance Outlook

It is essential to understand how the insurance market works and what the future looks like. In doing so, business owners and families can better plan for the future. Here is our brief overview of the insurance market as of August 2022. The widespread use of vaccines and the relaxation of pandemic-related restrictions in 2021 […]

Is There Such A Thing As Normal Risk?

2020 and 2022 have shown us that the normal we have known is no more. Business owners must think outside the box when it comes to their risk and insurance programs. This is a call to agents to educate themselves and create meaningful relationships and to customers to look for an agent who creates value, […]

The Value of Giving Back In Business

The truth of being a business owner is that juggling day-to-day operations with long-term objectives consumes the majority of your time and energy. It’s easy to let giving back fall by the wayside if you don’t have a solid plan in place to truly incorporate it into your business strategy. Do you recall your first […]

Proven Ways To Build Strong Insurance Relationships

The partnership between an insurance agent, an insurer, and a client is one of the most important in the industry. Carriers and the underwriters create policies and take on risks for insureds, whereas brokers assist their clients in finding the best insurance policies and carriers for their needs. The independent agent and broker are the […]

What Should Insurance Buyers Look For In Their Agent

Our world is much different than it was just two years ago.  Things have changed, and many of these changes are here to stay.  We all must adapt to a different way of managing our personal and business lives and finances.  Having a high-value insurance agent can help you manage these uncertain times. Selecting your […]

The Importance of an Annual Insurance Review

It is critical that every homeowner or business undertakes an annual insurance review. Regular reviews are equally essential to ensuring that your policy continues to be a good fit for your coverage needs and budget. In a single year, a lot can happen that can have a significant impact on your insurance costs, coverage options, […]

Improve Your Customer Service Experience

  Customers are the lifeblood of any business and should always take precedence. Customer experience enhancements result in a more loyal customer base. Loyal customers purchase more frequently, spend more, and recommend you to their friends and family. They leave positive reviews for customers. So how are you and your team going to accomplish this? […]