Entries by Perk Reichley

Think Differently In 2017

The definition of incorrect thinking is to repeatedly take the same action and expect a different outcome.  As you think about your insurance program for 2017, it is time to expect a different outcome.  This will cause you to consider different actions. To accomplish this, two things need to happen.  First, redefine how you define […]

Low Premium Vs. Value… Which Is Better?

Many people think the best way to select an insurance agent is to hire the one that offers the lowest possible price. Lower price can mean inferior coverage and that’s fine until you experience a loss that isn’t covered. My goal is to help you understand that there is more to insurance then getting the […]

Customer Service Skills Your Agent Needs

Insurance agents should always be considered a trusted advisor. As such, there are many unique skill sets an agent should possess. Without these skills you run the risk of having the wrong insurance program, being uninformed regarding your risks, and be frustrated whenever you call or meet with your agent. Here are some of the […]

Insurance Myth Busters

According to recent estimates by the Insurance Research Council (IRC), roughly one in seven drivers are uninsured.  A majority of drivers only carry the state minimum limits. The Common Myth If an uninsured or underinsured motorist hits you, many think, no worries, they have coverage, or my insurance will pay. Myth Busted Your coverage is […]

Why Selling Is Dead and Education Is Thriving

You can read articles every day on the internet about how traditional selling is dead, and that we all need to embrace the new age of selling.  Here are some of the titles of articles on selling I found during an internet search this last month. “Selling is Dead, Sales Live On” “Social Media is […]

The Problems Many Businesses Have With Their Agents

I talk to people regularly who tell me that they are not happy with their agent.  I hear statements like, “My agent does not understand my business”, “My insurance program is not matched to my business”, or “My agent always tries to sell me more insurance.”  These are common issues in the business community. I […]

The Downside of Poor Customer Service

Over that past year or so, we have been suggesting ways to improve how insurance is delivered. We have stressed that price shopping can actually cost the buyer more money in the long run; and that developing relationships can lead to a better risk management program.  Now, we would like to examine the downside of […]

The Downside of Poor Customer Service

Over that past year or so, we have been suggesting ways to improve how insurance is delivered. We have stressed that price shopping can actually cost the buyer more money in the long run; and that developing relationships can lead to a better risk management program.  Now, we would like to examine the downside of […]