How Agents Can Increase Client Engagement

maginative visual of business woman investment specialist and advisor with business data chart graphic overlay .Every agency and business has a critical component that ensures its performance. It’s known as employee engagement. It can mean the difference between your employees feeling motivated to take the company to greater heights or feeling overwhelmed to the point of sabotage. It is important that all employees feel engaged in the business so that the entire team is moving toward a common goal. The results will be customers who are getting their needs addressed.

This is important when you don’t treat insurance as a product but a service, but rather a relationship. Customers want advice, communication, education and partnerships with their insurance agent. In order to accomplish this, agencies must create a different management model. Here are ways to help employees feel more engaged.

Ask employees to how to improve customer service

Your staff knows better how to improve customer service. Ask them what they believe your customers are looking for. Then create policies and procedures that address these areas.

Seek impute from customers

Unlike some big national firms, we don’t have a set of scripted statements to give to you. We listen to what you are saying and then respond accordingly. We ask the right questions to find the individual insurance solution for you.

Be intentional about culture

Reichley Insurance is in the business to meet people’s and businesses’ needs. We don’t ever sell you a product. We create and deliver personal and business solutions that address your individual needs, and sometimes that may not include any insurance if it is not in your best interest. Our belief is that by doing what is best for you… we will also benefit.

Build performance goals and hold everyone accountable

Most people desire to know where they stand and how they can improve in order to make more money or advance.

We know and understand your industry. Before we do anything, we take time to get to know you. Our staff has a deep understanding of how insurance works, and we continually seek training and education. Our team has over 150 combined years of experience.

These commitments result in the highest customer satisfaction and confidence. They are Reichley Insurance Agency’s highest priorities.

Managing Risk In Uncertain Times

roadWe are living in uncertain times. COVID-19 and all that goes with it have created a new set of operating rules and risks. There is a number of new risks that have emerged as a result of these changing times.

It is vital that your business insurance program have the flexibility to respond to the changing and uncertain times we are living in. Your business insurance program needs to be designed to give your business the best possible coverage at a reasonable price from an agent who understands your individual needs.

Remote Workers 

COVID-19 has changed the way we think about remote working. Most businesses are having employees work from home, and even if there is a vaccine, the work from home trend is likely to continue. In general, employees are covered for work-related injuries that occur outside the office or other workplaces. Generally, employers are still responsible for injuries that occur during a detour, such as when an employee physically departs from his or her job duties that are considered minor activity, getting coffee, etc.

New Cyber Risks

Commercial businesses to become more dependent on the internet with an increase in remote workers. This new normal now requires special procedures and policies to protect your organization, its data, and network. When workers feel secure, you can nurture productivity and enhance collaboration.

Finance, Social Life And Health Of Employees

Because of the requirements and arrangements following the pandemic, employees have been faced with unexpected expenses related to travel, digital needs, accommodation (home workspaces) health concerns, and protective measures. Employers need to find ways to address these needs on a long-term basis, possibly through smaller in-person gatherings, remote learning opportunities, and even allowances for home office improvements.

Employees With Disabilities

Disabled employees need additional support to adapt to changes. Specific measures are required to address their needs and ensure their access to remote works issues.

As with any risk, you want to get out in front of it quickly. The longer you wait, the harder it is to mitigate the damage. The most successful companies are those that put systems and processes in place to help them quickly recognize the warning signs and navigate the best path forward.


The Best Way to Select An Agent That Is Right For You


Here is a revolutionary idea; when you buy insurance you are buying service and advice from the agent. Insurance is not a commodity but a service. Yes, you get an insurance policy; however, not all policies are created equal. We believe that the best way to buy insurance is to select a qualified and experienced agent. Allow the agent to understand your needs and then design a policy that works best for you.

We would like to offer a different way of looking at the insurance buying process. We believe that by following our suggestions you will make better more informed choices.

Know the Difference between Independent Agents and Other Agents

Insurance agents are not all alike. Some agents only represent one insurer, while independent agents represent many. You want an agent who represents many insurers and who is willing to take the time to get to know you. Then market your risk with many different insurers. You want a relationship, not a policy.

Use an Experienced Agent

Your agent should have many years’ experience in the industry. They should have a staff that has the knowledge and experience to handle your individual concerns and questions. Your agent should be able to offer alternatives and services that others can’t.

Ask The Agent Questions Regarding Services Offered.  Here Are Few Ideas:

  1. If I had a claim, how would you help me?
  2. How many years of experience do you have? And your staff?
  3. When I call the agency with a question, who would I be speaking with?
  4. May I have three references?
  5. What systems do you have to help manage your business?
  6. How do you define customer service?
  7. What is your policy for returning phone calls?
  8. How long do you usually keep a client?
  9. What makes you skilled at what you do?
  10. Do you have any industry awards?
  11. Will I have to ask for my renewal to be processed?

Professional Designations

Ask about what professional designations the agent has.  This doesn’t always guarantee an agent is expert in all the insurance aspects you require, but it does show the agents commitment to continued education.

Visit Their Web Page

Visiting the agency’s web page is a great way to give you an idea of their services, values and qualifications.

The best thing you can do for your business or family is to select an experienced agent who is committed to developing a personal relationship with you and finding you the best options based on your needs. Remember not all insurance policies are equal, what goes into the policy will determine how claims are settled. You are not buying a product you are managing your risk. Remember, Insurance is not a product, it’s a promise and a trusted relationship.

2021 Presents New Cyber Risks For Your Business

fingerprintThis is a two-part series focusing on new cyber risks for individuals and businesses.

Part One- Business Risk

The CIOVID-19 pandemic has affected businesses in a significant way. With remote workers and increased online purchasing, scammers are using some new and some old tricks to get your personal information.

Common Cyber Breaches

Ransomware. Ransomware is a data-encrypting program that demands payment to release the infected data.

Social Media. These kinds of attacks follow social interactions and will use your online data to steal your identity.

Cloud computing vulnerabilities. The global market for cloud computing is estimated to grow 17% this year. If you store any information on the cloud, you may be at risk.

Third party software. The top 30 e-commerce retailers in the US are connected to 1,131 third-party resources. The scammer will use these to obtain your information.

How To Prevent A Cyber Loss

  • Train employees in cybersecurity principles.
  • Install, use and regularly update antivirus and antispyware software on every computer used in your business.
  • Use a firewall for your Internet connection.
  • Control physical access to your computers and network components.
  • Secure your Wi-Fi networks. If you have a Wi-Fi network for your workplace, make sure it is secure and hidden.
  • Require individual user accounts for each employee.
  • Regularly change passwords.

What Cyber Insurance Can Cover

Restoration of Data: Covers the cost to replace or restore electronic data, programs, or software damaged or destroyed by a hacker attack.

Cost of Notification: Covers the cost of notifying parties whose data has been affected by a data breach.

Loss of Income: Covers income losses sustained by a business and extra expenses it incurs to restore its operations following a shutdown caused by a computer virus, hacker attack, or other covered peril.

Cyberattacks present a real threat to the safety and health of businesses today. Cybersecurity risks are mounting every day. But, purchasing cyber insurance does not need to be a confusing or stressful process. Call us today for more information. 

Next part Two, Personal cyber and identity theft risks



Why Having An Insurance Partnership In 2021 Is Critical

Business Woman Staying On Top On Chart Bar And Looking With TheCOVID-19 may be part of our lives forever. As we move into 2021, you need to re-think how you view insurance. Insurance is not best purchased with the concept of; the lower the cost the better for me. We have seen too many issues arise in 2020 where someone had cheap insurance and ended up having an un-insurance claim, poor customer services, or no insurance at all.

Remember These Values Should Be Important To You

  • It does not cost you more to develop a relationship with a professional insurance advisor. You want an agent who is there to serve you at all times.
  • The right insurance designed for you is what you need.
  • Understand the value and culture of the agency, do that match yours?
  • Insurance may not be your only option. We might tell you to not turn in that small claim.
  • Insurance is design to protect your family and finances.
  • We offer a process of getting you the insurance you need.
  • Our agency’s core values are based on developing a relationship with you, understanding your needs, and educating you on what action we take together.

Your life is changing. We ask you these kinds of questions to understand your insurance needs.

  • Do you have any domestic employees?
  • Have there been any changes in marital status?
  • Are you involved in any nonprofit organizations?
  • Do you own a business and operate from your home?
  • Are you remote working in 2021?
  • Do you own a second home?
  • Are adult children now living at home?
  • Do you drive for a rideshare company?
  • Do you rent out your home?
  • Have you started a home business?
  • Do you own any unique collections of art, wine, cars, or guns?
  • Are there any children in college?

You need a partner in 2021, let us show you how we do it.

What Is Insurance?

stressMany people think insurance is a product like a car, home, or boat. It is easy to think of insurance as a product, but it is not. You can use and touch a boat or car every day. You spend money; then you get to use it, see it feel it. It’s not so with insurance. You can hold the policy and look at a bunch of words on the policy explaining coverages, risks, and exposures. Yet it just isn’t the same as a test drive. When you select an insurance program, you may never see it or use it until you have a claim. Then you will fully understand what we are saying.

Good insurance will give you a peace of mind that will allow you to live your life with confidence.  You have the confidence that your agent and insurer will be there for you in your time of need.

Insurance is designed to protect you from unknown and unexpected accidents and losses. That is why it is so important to understand what you are buying before you do. If you are not sure what kind of insurance you have, do you really have peace of mind?

Insurance becomes tangible only when you have a claim; then, it becomes very real. At this time, you hope the policy delivers as promised.

Here is why we educate rather than sell.

  • Educated buyers make better decisions.
  • Insurance policies are not all created equal. Insurance is not like a commodity; insurance companies offer many different kinds of policies; these offer coverage you may need or may not need. Why pay for insurance you don’t need? Or worse, you paid for coverage you thought you had but didn’t.
  • Many insurance policies are filled with coverage gaps. These are areas where you need certain coverage, but the policy may not provide it. A coverage gap may also be having policy limits or deductibles not designed for your needs. An agent acting as your advisor can help you identify these gaps and offer solutions.

Give me a call and let talk about how we are different and can help you understand your insurance purchase with clarity. I want to earn your trust.



Effective March 19th, Reichley Insurance Agency will no longer be accepting in-person customer visitations until future notice. All other business will continue as usual. Please use our Convenient Drop Box to the left of our door for payments. Our email and phone lines remain open and we are ready and available to provide you with the Super Outstanding Service you deserve.

Take care of yourselves and God Bless.


COVID-19 Statement

COVID-19 Statement

The global coronavirus outbreak is slowing commerce, and we are still assessing the full business impact on our agency. Thus far, we have not had any disruption of services. We are open for business and are here to help you should you require it.

We strongly recommend everyone follow the CDC’s health and safety protocols.

We are actively monitoring the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) updates from the World Health Organization and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and will continue to respond based on the best advice of governments, public health authorities and medical professionals.

We continue to monitor the situation and are taking appropriate steps to safeguard our employees and visitors to our office.

We stand together with you through this tough time.

How We Put People Before Policies

We have used “How We Put People Before Policies” as our tagline for many years.  We use it because we truly believe that people are more important than policies.  However, a tagline is meaningless unless it is put into practice.  Here are a number of ways we carry this out this concept every day.

Each Client Is Unique

We know your insurance needs are one of a kind and require personal attention.  Your family may require certain kinds of coverage and we will make sure you understand that.

Education Comes First

Before we even talk about insurance, we want to educate you on your risks and how these risks may affect your family or business.  We believe that if you are educated about your risk you will make educated decisions.

Excellence Starts With A Human Connection

When a client calls, they get a licensed professional who can speak to their specific needs and respond accordingly.  We listen to your concerns, ask questions, and then provide a response.

We Never Stop Learning

Risk and insurance is an ever-changing field.  That is why we, as a team, continue to expand our knowledge base and further our education.  This allows us to provide you with the latest trends regarding your risk and insurance.

Relationships Matter

Insurance is a relationship between you the client, the agent, and the insurance company.  We look out after your interests—we do not work for an insurance company.  We enjoy making personal connections with our clients, and look forward to the next time we interact with them.

What Do You Want From Your Insurance Relationship?

The best relationships are built to last.  Long-term financial relationships are much more than a quick transaction or low price.  Recent surveys by JD Power & Associates found that consumers actually valued long-term relationships.  There are many ways agents can build value and create lasting positive relationships with their clients.

Why Lasting Relationships Matter

If you listen to most insurance advertisements, they tell you to shop your insurance every year and over time, you may save money.  The problem with this concept is insurance is not a specific “one size fits all” product that you might buy and expect to be what you need.  For example, when you buy a faucet, you would not buy all the individual components of a faucet, put it together yourself, and hope it worked.  Rather, you purchase a completed faucet, install it, and it works for years as promised when you bought it.

With insurance, you go into a contractual agreement with the insurer that your claim will be paid based on the terms of the policy.  Insurance is unique and it takes knowledge and skill to put together the right combination of coverage for each individual.  Why would anyone build an insurance product themselves when a professional, experienced, and licensed agent can do it better?

Your Agent Will Care About What You Care About

  1. An agent will get to know your family and your individual needs. Over time, agents develop close relationships with their clients and care about their well-being. Wouldn’t it be good to be on a first-name basis with an agent who knows you and your family, and lives and works in the same local community that you do?
  2. Your agent will know what risks you have. As in any relationship your agent will better understand your risks and be able to educate you on how to manage these risks.
  3. You care about convenience, choices, and control. Your agent will provide you with options of Insurance policies, the ability to control how you access your account, and the convenience of a simple insurance purchasing process.

How Agents Help Build Lasting Relationships

  1. By educating their clients rather than selling a product.
  2. Agents are always keeping up on the latest issues and trends to share with their clients.
  3. You can call their office and get a professional team member who knows who you are.
  4. Agents will meet you where you are.
  5. Life-changing events may require a meeting with your agent; we are here for you.
  6. Instead of calling a voicemail or making an appointment, interested consumers can speak directly with an agent immediately and ask any question they choose.
  7. Agents know what your insurance policies cover and do not cover, which helps you when you have a claim.
  8. An agent will take the lead and work through a claim to make sure you are satisfied.

In conclusion, our marketing plan is not based on internet ads, or catchy slogans, our marketing plan is to have completely happy and satisfied customers and build long-lasting relationships.

While the massive national agencies spend millions on television ads and offer barebones policies, they do not know you. When your needs change or your situation complicates, you don’t want an automated phone tree or cold cyber-agent. You want to talk to compassionate, honest insurance experts – that’s our team. You shouldn’t have to spend hours researching and comparing policies. Let the specialists at Reichley guide you through the complex insurance industry.

Call today to alleviate the worry and get covered – (937) 429-0655.