Entries by Perk Reichley

Managing Risk In Uncertain Times

We are living in uncertain times. COVID-19 and all that goes with it have created a new set of operating rules and risks. There is a number of new risks that have emerged as a result of these changing times. It is vital that your business insurance program have the flexibility to respond to the […]

What Are Clients Looking For In An Agent?

A recent study by a leading insurance research firm showed something we have been saying for years. That is, when it comes to insurance buying most people are not just looking at price. There are many factors that will lead a person or business to select their agent. Here are some of the factors clients […]

The Best Way to Select An Agent That Is Right For You

Here is a revolutionary idea; when you buy insurance you are buying service and advice from the agent. Insurance is not a commodity but a service. Yes, you get an insurance policy; however, not all policies are created equal. We believe that the best way to buy insurance is to select a qualified and experienced […]

2021 Presents New Cyber Risks For Your Business

This is a two-part series focusing on new cyber risks for individuals and businesses. Part One- Business Risk The CIOVID-19 pandemic has affected businesses in a significant way. With remote workers and increased online purchasing, scammers are using some new and some old tricks to get your personal information. Common Cyber Breaches Ransomware. Ransomware is […]

Why Having An Insurance Partnership In 2021 Is Critical

COVID-19 may be part of our lives forever. As we move into 2021, you need to re-think how you view insurance. Insurance is not best purchased with the concept of; the lower the cost the better for me. We have seen too many issues arise in 2020 where someone had cheap insurance and ended up […]

Here Is Our Secret to Getting Our Clients The Best Possible Combination of Coverage, Price and Service.

There is nothing wrong with wanting competitively priced insurance for your home or business. The issues seem to arise when an insurance consumer takes the low-cost insurance without regard to coverage, their risk, or services offered. We have found a way to help our clients get the best of both worlds; we call it CPS […]

Are Electric Scooters Covered Under My Insurance Policy?

Electric scooters and bikes are popping up all over cities across the country.  They have been popular in Europe for years.  We are at the beginning of this new form of personal transportation, which creates a few questions regarding risk, liability, and insurance coverage. How Can You Secure Insurance Coverage That Includes Physical Damage And […]

Ask Perk Reichley

Over the years, I have been asked about many different kinds of insurance questions. I thought it might be interesting to start sharing these questions and my responses. Remember, there is no bad or wrong question. If you have a question, send it to me, I will be happy to answer it for you. Are […]

What Keeps You Up AT Night?

Every one of us has certain things that keep you up once in a while. It might be your job, the kids, illness, or other life’s problems. Our goal to make sure that protecting your family with the right insurance does not keep you up. Here is how we help you sleep at night We […]