Entries by Perk Reichley

What Do You Want From Your Insurance Relationship?

The best relationships are built to last.  Long-term financial relationships are much more than a quick transaction or low price.  Recent surveys by JD Power & Associates found that consumers actually valued long-term relationships.  There are many ways agents can build value and create lasting positive relationships with their clients. Why Lasting Relationships Matter If […]

Which Insurance Agent Is Right For You?

Selecting an insurance agent may be one of the most important things you do.  Every family needs a good accountant, financial planner, and insurance agent to be looking out after their interests.  However, in today’s world, it may be hard to move your thinking away from the idea that the lowest price is the best, […]

Why Are Auto Insurance Premiums On The Rise?

Why Are Auto Insurance Premiums On The Rise? When we speak about insurance, we try to remind people that there are things you can control and things that are out of your control. It is essential to focus your attention on the actions that can help keep your auto insurance premiums as low as possible. […]

Why Insurance Advice Is Better Than A Policy

The quality of your agent will determine the value of your insurance policy If you watch any TV, you have seen the typical insurance ads that tell you their coverage is better than their competitors. Many of these ads are very clever, but they mislead the viewers into buying insurance the wrong way. We want […]

What A Trusted Advisor Does

My insurance agent friend John and I had another conversation about how agents can and need to differentiate themselves from other agents.  We have attempted to help agents understand the value of educating and solving problems rather than selling an insurance product. This is such an excellent example of this that we just had to […]

What Is Your Value Proposition?

Most business owners can see an insurance agent coming a mile away. Agents, that is not a good thing. Insurance buyers have created a defense mechanism that makes it hard for agents get through. The primary reason for this is agents are far too often just interested in selling a product, not providing a solution.  […]

Make This Year Even Better Than Last Year

We have been encouraging insurance buyers and agents, over the past few years, to seek out new ways of looking at the insurance buying process. We have found that things are changing for the better in regards to the agent buyer relationship. We invite you to be part of the change that can impact our […]

Communication Is key to Any Relationship

We live in the greatest age of communication. Today there are more ways to connect with each other than any other time in history.  For example, we have access to personal cell phones, email, web pages, videos, social media, traditional mail and more. So why don’t you and your independent insurance agent communicate more often? […]